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Sale price Kč9.99 Regular price Kč19.99

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A beautiful and bountiful garden requires healthy plants. While sunlight and water are essential, so are nutrients. Just as we use vitamin supplements to help keep us healthy when we don’t eat right, plants need fertilizers to provide the nutrients they aren’t getting from unhealthy soil.


One of the nutrients that are essential for plants is Amino Acids. Amino acids are organic molecules that are part of proteins, playing a key role in most biological processes in plants. It is the true building block of all proteins and is required by plants throughout all stages of growth are helpful when plants are under stress. Amino Acids are essential for plant growth, health, and function.


Plants need amino acids to create, strengthen cells. Plants actually produce amino acids, but this takes a lot of energy from them. By providing Amino Acids fertilizer, your plants will not have to use their energy for producing amino acids, and will now expend their energy toward other deficiencies, allowing tremendous growth and vitality.


To save you and your plants their energy, we created the Plant Nutrient Solution that’s boosted with Amino Acids. With multiple roles as plant and soil boosting compounds, the Plant Nutrient Solution will give your plants what they crave. A biodynamic, healthy ecosystem with supercharged organic benefits that are guaranteed to boost your growth the natural way.


Contains a blend of all of the essential micronutrients and minerals required by many fruits, vegetables, and plants, which may not be present in your current nutrient program, the Plant Nutrient Solution will surely help maximize your plant’s health and growth. Whether your goal is to get bigger vegetables, healthier turf, larger, more vibrant flowers, and more, this will help you achieve the results you’re dreaming of.

This Plant Nutrient Solution got all the nutrients your plants need to grow. Formulated to increase plant vigor, turf greening and growth, flower development sites, and garden yields. This can be applied to your turf, vegetables, flowers without concern for waste or harmful chemicals. This organic fertilizer for plants is designed to increase your plant's resistance and drought tolerance.


The Plant Nutrient Solution will also help increase chlorophyll concentration in the plant, leading to a higher degree of photosynthesis. It helps turn leads to even more available energy.

The Plant Nutrient Solution has been proven to:

  • Promote photosynthesis of plants.
  • Boost fertilizer effect
  • Improve crop quality
  • Enhanced metabolic function and improved resistance to stress.
  • Increase resistance to stress (high temperatures, low humidity, drought, pest attack plants, frost, flood).
  • Increase the content of chlorophyll.
  • Help pollination and fruit set.
  • Increase soil microbial activity.



  • Capacity: 30ml
  • Weight: 55g
  • Product size: 2.8*2.8*11.3
  • Shelf life: 2 years
  • Function: Promote photosynthesis
  • Package Contents: Amino Acid Plant Nutrient Solution ×1/3 Bottles









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